Increase Your Crop Yield With Our
Corn Seed Treatment
Are you are losing 2 or more bushels per acre to birds? Avipel is for you!
Pretreat your corn seed with Avipel and repel birds all the way through emergence.

Avipel is the first scientifically proven corn seed treatment to stop birds from eating newly planted seed.

Discover Avipel
What Is Avipel and What Can It Do?
Avipel is the first scientifically proven seed treatment to stop birds—from blackbirds, crows and grackles to pheasants, sandhill cranes, starlings and more—from eating newly planted corn seed.
Made from an organic chemical found in plants, Avipel is a nonlethal, nontoxic and nonsystemic corn seed treatment that can lead to greater corn crop yields, raising growers’ bottom lines.
For every industry
How Avipel Can Help
Enjoy Peace of Mind When You Treat Your Corn Seeds
Farmers, growers, and/or producers who use Avipel bird repellent also enjoy greater peace of mind, trusting that their money and time investments are well-protected.
These growers face fewer hassles that many face on their fields, with birds known to destroy 1 million-plus acres of field and sweet corn every year before the crop can even emerge.
birds known to destroy

acres of field and sweet corn every year
before the crop can even emerge.


Many Benefits
Benefits of Avipel Bird Repellent
Avipel bird repellent offers many benefits to growers/famers, crop advisors, retailers, distributors and even seed companies.
Naturally occurring
Biopesticide labeled for corn seed treatment.
Ultraviolet light-stable
Insoluble in water, minimizing groundwater contamination.
Features very low soil mobility
Avipel Comes in Liquid Treatment
Avipel liquid seed treatment is available. This treatment is very effective, with Avipel surrounding corn kernels with a protective coating that causes birds fast-acting but temporary stomach distress.

Where to Buy
Avipel is sold by local agriculture retailers and corn seed suppliers. Contact your local Avipel representative to learn more about purchasing Avipel so you can start protecting your corn crop with the ultimate bird repellent.

Learn More
Explore application guides, independent research studies, USDA state-specific labels and more information.